Monday, January 18, 2010

Still life painting

For our first painting in this class we are doing a still life. the still life includes just some random things like a glass vase, a plate with a few onions placed on it, a bowl, etc. To prepare our canvas we applied Gesso on it first, applying it freely and not just in one direction. After we let that dry we begin to put on brown sienna paint and water mixed with mineral spirits, also doing free application and not in just one direction. Margee, our teacher, demonstrated how to apply it, and she did so by using a long paint brush holding it at almost the end of it, and that gave her a better degree on applying it. It covered more space that way.

The first step after doing that was picking out what viewpoint we liked best to apply to our canvas. We did so by taking two peices of cut cardboard, putting them together to make it look like a rectangle. that helped us view different angles and what certain objects we thought were interesting to include in it. I made an outline of the bowl, the plate, the vase and two other objects. i had a little trouble with the object my the vase, but margee showed me the dot application, which helped me alot. it helped me even out the sides. after we did a rough outline, she wanted us to apply more detail just on the ouside judt in 2D form. after margee okayed my outline, i just placed my canvas to dry on one of the counters and next class we will start more steps.

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