Last tuesday the 16th the instructor demonstrated how to create the shadows and brights on the sugar canister on the right side of my painting. We used the same color mixture for the larger canister, mixing the lighter blue, orange, white and a little bit of the darker blue. As we applied the paint our instructor demonstrated using the side of your brush to apply it to make it look smoother.
We then painted the lighter parts on the canister, mixing more white to make it lighter. Then for the final touch up we mixed white and oaker yellow to highlight the lightest part where the light is hitting the object. That tuesday we were also graded for our painting. The things i need to fix if I have the time is to bring the rim of my plate down, the rim of my bowl needs to be lowered a little bit, the handle on my pitcher is too light and needs to be toned down, and my canister has two white strokes that are too light and need to be toned down.